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Earn the “Uniform to Uniform” patch

GSCO blog

Update: As of Wednesday, February 27, all Uniform to Uniform patches available for giveaway during the 2019 Girl Scout Cookie Program have been claimed. Girl Scouts can purchase a Uniform to Uniform patch at the GSCO Retail Shop for $1.50/each.

Uniform to Uniform is a new patch program for the 2019 Girl Scout Cookie Program. Colorado Girl Scouts are encouraged to invite uniformed personnel, such as law enforcement, firefighters, EMTs, etc., to visit them at their cookie booths. This is an opportunity for Girl Scouts and the public to learn more about the work these amazing women and men do for our communities.

Colorado Girl Scouts can earn the “Uniform to Uniform” patch by doing the following:

  1. Invite local uniformed personnel, such as law enforcement, firefighters, EMTs, etc., to visit them during their My Sale or council booth sale. What a great opportunity to spread the word about your Hometown Hero or the Gift of Caring program!

  2. Take a group photo.

  3. Upload your photo(s) and story using the Share Your Stories form on the GSCO Blog: The best photos and stories will be shared on the GSCO Blog and social media networks.

Once Girl Scouts of Colorado receives your photo(s) and story via the Share Your Stories form, we will contact you to find out the number of patches needed and where to mail them. The first 200 Girl Scouts to earn the “Uniform to Uniform” patch before the 2019 Girl Scout Cookie Program ends on March 10 will receive a FREE patch. After that, Girl Scouts can purchase the “Uniform to Uniform” patch at the GSCO Retail Shop.

Questions? Email Public Relations Director AnneMarie Harper at or the GSCO Retail Shop at

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