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Doing our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19

GSCO blog

Following the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and GSUSA, we are extending our cancellation of all Girl Scouts of Colorado-sponsored, in-person programming and events for eight weeks, through May 17, in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19. [Update 4/6: All Girl Scouts of Colorado-sponsored in-person programming and events are now canceled through May 31]

The current recommendation is to cancel all gatherings of more than 10 people. Unfortunately, that means we will cancel all Volunteer Appreciation events and Highest Awards celebrations, as well as several high-profile partner events. But, we are looking at ways to provide virtual programming, online celebrations, and Girl Scouting-at-home resources.

As good Girl Scouts, we’re using this crisis as an opportunity to try new things and new ways to deliver the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Already, we’re hosting a “virtual spring camp” on our Sky High Ranch Instagram (@sky_high_ranch) and had nearly 400 girls join in today from across Colorado, 30 other states, and 3 countries! Watch our social channels, website, and blog for more virtual programming opportunities in the near future!

All Girl Scouts of Colorado staff are working remotely through May 17 and the retail shop is closed. However, the GSCO Leadership Team and Emergency Response Team are meeting regularly and will continue to assess cancellations and work status as we move through this crisis. We will keep you informed of any status changes.

At this point, we have made no decisions regarding summer camp cancellations. We will continue to gather information to make decisions in the best interest of our members and staff as we move forward.

It has never been more important to remember that Girl Scouting is not just what we do, it’s about who we are.

You are a Girl Scout whether or not you attend troop meetings. Now more than ever, we must all follow the Girl Scout Promise and Law. We must be responsible for our own health and for our possible impact on the health of others, and prioritize social distancing as much as possible.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we all work together to ensure the health and safety of our communities. We love seeing how our Girl Scout community takes the lead and comes together in times of need – even when we cannot be together physically! If your troop is hosting a virtual gathering or you have ideas on Girl Scout activities or service that can be done at home, please share at

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