Girl Scout Juniors are invited to earn their “Designing Robots” badge with Arrow Electronics.
Saturday, June 1, 2019
9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Arrow Electronics
Register online now:
Arrow Electronics is an American Fortune 500 company headquartered in Centennial. The company specializes in distribution and value-added services relating to electronic components and computer products.
Light breakfast will be provided during check-in and girls will receive their “Designing Robots” badge at the end of the workshop. All girls should have earned their “Programming Robots” badge prior to attending the workshop.
This is not a drop-off event. All girls must attend with a parent, guardian, or troop leader. Adult-to-girl ratios must be met. Girls attending with a troop leader should bring a completed parent permission form for a Girl Scout activity, which her troop leader should retain in case of emergency.
Registration closes on May 23 OR when capacity has been met.
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