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Denver celebrates key volunteers

GSCO blog

What did you do for throwback Thursday?  Girl Scouts of Colorado staff sported vintage Girl Scout leader uniforms ranging from the 1940s through the 1980s as they honored Denver Metro key volunteers at the GSCO Appreciation Event on Thursday, May 19th.  Not to be outdone, many of the volunteers showed up wearing components from their own vintage Girl Scout uniforms or clothing representing the period in which they were Girl Scouts.

The volunteer appreciation event was held to recognize volunteers who go above and beyond in demonstrating their dedication to the Girl Scout movement at both the local and council levels.  Among these stellar volunteers were service unit team members and service unit managers, service unit product sales managers, trainers, mentors serving on the Gold Award Committee and members of the GSCO Membership Connection Committee.  Most of these volunteers hold multiple roles beyond the troop level while continuing to serve girls on their troop leadership teams.

Seven phenomenal volunteers attending the event were recognized by GSCO President and CEO, Stephanie Foote, for receiving Girl Scouts of Colorado and Girl Scouts of the USA Volunteer Appreciation Awards.  The honorees included:

GSCO Outstanding Volunteer

  1. Kim Foster

GSUSA Volunteer of Excellence

  1. Tammy Bowen

  2. Laurie Nieb

  3. Mary Scruggs

  4. Becky Smith

GSUSA Appreciation Pin

  1. MJ Bishop

  2. Caroline Cornell

Congratulations to all these extraordinary volunteers who have demonstrated their commitment and passion for the success of Girl Scouting.

The uniforms staff were wearing and displays of Girl Scout memorabilia were made possible by the GSCO History Committee, a group of outstanding volunteers who collect and maintain these items.

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