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Daisy’s Circle supporter spotlight: Nancy Muklow

Tell us about your connection to Girl Scouts.

From Girl Scout Brownie Troop 54 in Wyoming to the present, Girl Scouts have been a part of my life. My fondest memories are of Girl Scout Camp and Wider Opportunities in the United States, Canada, and Norway. In high school, when I moved to the Mountain Prairie council, I was the first to earn my Gold Award there in 1981. I progressed through collegiate Girl Scouting at CSU and led my first Cadette troop in the Wagon Wheel council, and moved to Chipeta where I was Steamboat’s service unit manager until my boys grew into 4H age. I took a hiatus to be in their activities and now continue as service unit manager, Daisy and Cadette leader, Gold Mentor, and former GSCO Board Member and MCC member.

Why did you join Daisy’s Circle?

As a Lifetime Girl Scout, I continue to see the value of Girl Scouts in today’s world. I want to show my continued financial support for Girl Scouts, locally and statewide. As an avid volunteer, it’s only natural to put my money where my volunteer heart beats… Girl Scouts! AND I like the opportunity to join with other like-minded folks to support a movement that is growing and helping to change the world!

Why is monthly giving important?

Monthly giving makes it easy and shows consistent support. It is easy to change the monthly giving amount if circumstances change one way or another.

Why should other people join Daisy’s Circle?

Daisy’s Circle impacts the lives of our Girl Scouts, go-getters, innovators, risk-takers, and leaders. It helps to be sure no girl is left out, that exciting programming continues, and that we ensure a future for this movement for girls!

What is the most valuable thing that Girl Scouts gives girls today?

Girl Scouts gives girls a platform for leadership, a chance to learn together, explore in a safe and adventuresome environment, and experience friendships with a sisterhood of girls and women worldwide.

Why is it important to support Girl Scouts and other youth organizations?

Girl Scouts and other youth organizations give the opportunity to learn about our world and its opportunities, pitfalls, and rising stars. It’s an investment in the future!

Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?

My Girl Scout adventures are endless and they continue to grow each year as I take on leadership of another troop or another event or another mentoring role. As an adult, it’s just as important to me as it was when I was growing up. Many lives are touched by Girl Scouts, both girls and women, and community leaders. I enjoy pulling those worlds together by exploring the world of Girl Scouts!

Named after Girl Scout founder, Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Low, Daisy’s Circle is Girl Scouts of Colorado’s monthly giving program. Funds raised through Daisy’s Circle provide financial assistance for girls and volunteers, support Outreach Programs and more.  For more information:

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