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Cybersecurity 1: Basics with Coalfire


Saturday, January 12, 2019

10 a.m. – 1 p.m.



11000 Westmoor Cir

Westminster, CO 80021

Girl Scout Juniors are invited to work with cybersecurity experts at Coalfire to earn their “Cybersecurity 1: Basics” badge! The “Cybersecurity 1: Basics” badge will be provided at the event.

Girl Scouts: $5

Adults: FREE

Girls will learn:

  1. How computers read information

  2. How networks work

  3. What protocols are

  4. How computers communicate

  5. What malware is

Breakfast and snacks will be provided. We encourage participants to plan for a late lunch on their own after the session is over.

This is not a drop off event. Adult-to-girl ratios for events must be met. Girls attending with a troop leader should bring a completed parent permission form for a Girl Scout activity that troop leaders will retain for their records.

Registration ends: Tuesday, January 8



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