Submitted by Sarah Johnson, GSCO Global Action Team
So many of us have seen this symbol, the World Badge throughout our Girl Scout experience. We know it has to do with our worldwide connections, yet many of us could use a refresh on the meaning of the symbols on the badge.

The golden trefoil on a bright blue background represents the sun shining over all the children of the world; the three leaves represent the three-fold promise as originally laid down by the founder; the base of the stalk represents the flame of the love of humanity; the vein pointing upwards through the centre of the trefoil is the compass needle pointing the way; and the two stars represent the Promise and Law.
Serving as the unifying symbol of the World Association of Girl Scouts and Girl Guides (WAGGGS), girls and adults wear their pin in proud sisterhood with girls and women from around the world.
I still have memories of receiving my World Badge pin 30 years ago as a Girl Scout Brownie. We had a meaningful ceremony with five candles in a special wood log candle holder, representing each of the symbols of the badge. We received our pins that day and I still have that original pin today and wear it with pride.
Today, we encourage troops to hold World Badge ceremonies before giving girls their World Badge pin. Here are a couple ceremony plan ideas:
You may also want to include the World Song, WAGGGS official anthem into your ceremony plan. https://youtu.be/1gKXt2s5pNw
We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.