Submitted by Mikayla Geeve
Metro Denver
I learned about women who are part of the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame. I researched these three women: Lily Nie, Marion Downs, and Jill Tietjen.
Lily Nie helped Chinese babies from orphans and brought them to America to be adopted. She did this because foreigners could not adopt Chinese children.
Marion Downs was able to change the world by giving babies hearing aids, so that they could learn and read at the same time that other kids did. She did this to help these kids be able to learn, write, and read at the age of about 5-6, instead of waiting to be tested at 9-10. This would be better, since they could have a better understanding of reading and writing.
Jill Tietjen writes books about other women’s successes who changed the world. By writing these books, other women could be inspired to do the same, and do something good for the world.
Overall, I learned that women all over the world can accomplish anything if they set their minds to it, and have a passion of their interest.

Thanks to Mikayla for sharing her story earning this special patch with Girl Scouts of Colorado!