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Civic Engagement Badges

We strengthen our democracy when civically engaged children become civically engaged adults. From the very beginning, civic engagement has been part of our Girl Scout DNA. We build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who become engaged citizens and change the world.

Check out these badges to start the conversation on how to be civically engaged:

Daisy Good Neighbor– Girls will learn more about their local communities and discover how they can help their communities.

Try it out: Have your girls draw a picture of themselves in the center of a piece of paper. Then ask them to think of the ways that they help people at school, in the neighborhood, or a community they are part of. Have them draw the ways that they help around the picture of themselves. Have girls share and reflect by asking if they hear any new ideas about how they can be a good neighbor.

Brownie Celebrating Community– Girls will learn more about the culture of their local communities by learning about ways their community celebrates its people.

Try it out: Help your girls research the culture and history of their community or city they live in. Find a couple songs that connect to the culture or history of the community. Go further with this activity by finding local musicians who represent the culture of the community.

Junior Inside Government– Girls will find out more about the basics of government and start to become active citizens.

Try it out: Ask your girls about the issues they are passionate about or interested in. Have them research the laws around those issues, both state and federal, then encourage a discussion around the issue.

Cadette Finding Common Ground– Girls will learn how people in democratic offices use compromise and debates to bring people together.

Try it out: Start the conversation by asking the girls about a present-day issue that is affecting them or their community. Once an issue has been established, have girls research all sides in the issues. Bring girls together to discuss how they think they could bring change to the issue.

Senior Behind the Ballot– Girls will learn about the importance of voting and find out how the electoral process works in the United States and around the world.

Try it out: Have girls research the issuescurrently in the spotlight in their community. Discuss if they would use these issues to impact their decision if they were voting. What other issues would they like to see considered?

Ambassador Public Policy– Girls will gain the knowledge to speak up about and act on issues that are crucial in their world.

Try it out: Ask girls to research an advocacy group that is focused on an issue that is crucial in their world. Have them discover the ways that the advocacy group is speaking about and acting on the issue. Discuss ways they could get involved with that group or the issue.

Troop leaders can find meeting plans and activities for these badges in the Volunteer Toolkit. Caregivers can find the steps to complete the badges or purchase badge booklets on the Girl Scouts of Colorado shop. Questions about these badges? Email

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.



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