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Celebrate 100 years of Girl Scouting in Colorado

GSCO blog

For nearly 100 years now Colorado Girl Scouts have been making friends, trying new things, and learning leadership skills to make the world a better place. Girl Scouts of Colorado is inviting girls and adults to join the fun for the 2016-17 membership year in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouting in Colorado. Juliette Gordon Low started Girl Scouts in Savannah, Ga., in 1912. Girl Scouting came to Colorado in 1917 when the first troop formed outside of Colorado Springs. Today, Girl Scouts of Colorado is proud to serve nearly 25,000 girls across the state with the help and support of 10,000 adult volunteers!

When girls are given a protective and supportive environment to take chances, despite the potential for failure, they’re able to experience the emotional impact of risk without damaging consequences. When children take chances, all aspects of their lives are improved—they become more independent and confident, and become better students. Shouldn’t every girl have the chance to experience these benefits? Through taking chances and being part of a girl-led program, girls become more active and engaged learners, develop a positive sense of self, and learn resourceful problem solving.

Girl Scouts is open to all girls from kindergarten through grade 12. Anyone over the age of 18 can apply to be a Girl Scout volunteer. Girls cannot experience the positive impact of Girl Scouts without adult volunteers, and each adult who volunteer has the opportunity to make a real difference in the life of a girl. Girl Scout volunteers come from all walks of life. They are men, women, young professionals, retirees, college students, and more. Both girls and adult volunteers can join at any time of the year. To join Girl Scouts or learn more about volunteering, please visit:

Learn more about how you can be part of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience by visiting, calling 1-877-404-5708, or emailing

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