Get your tickets NOW for our Girl Scout Night AND CAMPOUT at Rocky Mountain Vibes in Colorado Springs on Friday, August 27, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. Girl Scouts should wear their vest or sash to help show their Girl Scout spirit! For $20/person, you will receive:
Ticket to the game
Meal Voucher (hot dog/chips/drink)
Post-Game fireworks and s’more
Opportunity to camp out in a tent ON THE FIELD!
This family-friendly event is open to everyone! All Girl Scouts must attend with their parent/guardian/caregiver or troop leaders. Adult to girl ratios for events must be met.
If participating in the campout, attendees must bring their own tent and sleeping supplies. Rocky Mountain Vibes and Girl Scouts of Colorado WILL NOT be providing these.
Tickets can be purchased on this online registration form (https://gscolorado.formstack.com/forms/girl_scout_night_with_the_rocky_mountain_vibes_pp_08_27_2021) and will be physically distributed at the Girl Scout table outside the game. Groups that indicate the same troop number will be grouped together as best as possible. You may register up to 25 children and 25 adults in one submission. You will need to submit multiple forms if you have more attendees to register.
We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.