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Brownie Troop 60074 collects nearly 500 books for elementary school

GSCO blog

Submitted by Laura Hopkins Littleton

The eight 2nd grade girls of Brownie Troop 74 at Acres Green Elementary held a drive to collect children’s books and magazines for an underprivileged elementary school. The drive was done in conjunction with the World of Girls It’s Your Story Tell It journey. The girls first worked together to choose a community service project that would benefit girls in our area. It was decided to do a book drive since we knew of an elementary school that serves a low-income area where most of the families do not have any children’s books in their homes, and the children can’t develop their reading skills like the girls at our school can. The girls made posters for the drive and hung them around the school, and had the drive announced during morning announcements at school. They decorated a bin to collect the books in the school lobby. The girls also cleaned out their own book and magazine collections and asked friends and family for donations.

By the end of the drive, the girls collected 99 magazines and 469 books! They were donated to the school, and it was much appreciated. The school in turn gave the students tickets and let them pick age-appropriate books to take home.

The girls in Troop 74 learned a lot about choosing a project that was meaningful to them, planning and carrying out the drive, and the great feeling of giving!

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