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An Opportunity of a lifetime

GSCO blog

Submitted by Serenity C.

Metro Denver



My name is Serenity C. and I am 15-years-old. My troop has a question for you…Is your troop or your Girl Scout interested in traveling and will be age 11 by July of 2021? Well, we have an opportunity of a lifetime awaiting for you if the answer to any of these questions is yes 😉 My mom is working with EF Tours to host an all-inclusive ten day trip to Costa Rica in July of 2021. What makes this program special? Delve into an ecological paradise, walk amid lush rainforests and beneath towering volcanoes in enchanting Costa Rica. Transport your troop deep into a misty cloud forest, get up close to the world’s most magnificent plant and animal habitats, and see sensational waterfalls and hot springs. From beginning to end, experience natural beauty and thrilling adventures beyond what you ever imagined. Registration is $95 per person. Multiple payment options are available and best of all is you can sell Girl Scout Cookies this year and next year to help earn money for the trip 😉 Use this link to see the full itinerary and all the amazing details of this adventure: 

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