Submitted by Kim McMahon
Metro Denver
Black Hawk
Our troop picked Alpine Rescue as our Hometown Hero. These ladies and gentlemen are all volunteers who put their lives on the line every day for residents and tourists alike to enjoy our beautiful state! They deserve so much more than cookies and we wanted to let them know how thankful we all are to them. Let’s give a big applause to each and every one of them! Thank you for your service!
We have a small group of four Juniors from Black Hawk. We work hard in play and also at the age of being involved in our community. These G.I.R.L.s have the desire to teach the younger ones what Girl Scouts involves, but also to make a difference in others’ lives! Now that cookie season is over, we will be focused on collecting stuffed animals for the senior center, so we can let everyone know that they still matter! Very proud of our girls and the goals they have set!
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