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2024 Creative Cookie Video Contest: The Winners Are…

GSCO blog

Thank you to all the Girl Scouts who entered this year’s contest for Creative Cookie Video! We received 23 entries from across Colorado and are so impressed by your creativity and enthusiasm. The judging panel had a hard time choosing because all the entries were so great. Without further ado, here are the 2024 Creative Cookie Video winners!

Honorable Mention - 25 Cookie Credits

Congratulations Emily for being our honorable mention! Your pup is so cute!

Third Place - 50 Cookie Credits - Tie!

Congratulations to Girl Scout Brownie Caroline and Troop 76091 for tying for third place!

Caroline says, "I'm most excited to spread the joy that Girl Scout cookies bring! A little cookie and a big smile go a long way! I love using my creativity to make a new cookie pitch video every year. This year mine is inspired by the strong female role model Taylor Swift- I hope you enjoy it! My goal is to earn cookie credits to put toward my first overnight Girl Scout summer camp!"

We loved how Troop 76091's video put a Girl Scout twist on a popular social media trend!

Second Place - 100 Cookie Credits

Congratulations, Girl Scout Junior Willie, for earning second place! "I'm excited to talk to lots of different people and seeing how excited they get when they see my troop or I selling cookies! Also, I love getting to be with my troop and teaching younger scouts how to be a cookie super seller! My goal is to sell 1000 cookies and use my cookie credits for camp at Tomahawk Ranch."

First Place - 200 Cookie Credits

Congratulations, Girl Scout Brownie Josephine, for earning first place! Josey wants to get to 625 to get the Build A Bear experience. Her Troop wants to spend a night at YMCA of the Rockies in Estes and do a horse trail ride with their earnings. The thing she wanted to do the most as a Girl Scout was sell cookies after seeing her two older sisters do it. She has lots of energy at her booths, is always cheerful selling door-to-door, and loves to make videos to send to family and friends! She works so hard and has such a great attitude all the time.

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