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2019 Bling Your Booth Challenge: The winners are…

Thank you to all of the Girl Scouts who entered the 2019 Bling Your Booth Challenge! We received dozens of entries from all across Colorado and are so impressed by your creativity and enthusiasm. Congratulations to the following winners!

Third Place: $50 in Cookie Credits

Troop 41660 from Ft. Carson in the Pikes Peak region is brave, and who they are meant to be! The troop wanted everyone to know that they are strong, beautiful, loving people. Their goal is to sell 10,000 packages of cookies and go camping before a bunch of the girls have to move.

Second Place: $100 in Cookie Credits

Troop 78526 is a multi-level troop with Daisies through Cadettes. This year, troop leaders offered the Brownies, Juniors, and Cadettes a chance to do an overnight trip to NASA in Houston. Daisies will get an overnight trip to the Denver Aquarium. These Girl Scouts have been so motivated to sell their cookies to earn the money for these experiences! Their troop goal is to sell 10,000 packages of Girl Scout Cookies.

Winner: $200 in Cookie Credits

A number of girls in Cadette Troop 59 from Lone Tree have an interest in sewing and appreciation for things homemade.  It’s fitting that their booth was made of homemade created bunting, a large cookie fabric panel, and Girl Scout fabric money aprons.

Their goals are raising funds for a five-day troop camp in northern Colorado, travel outside of the state, and collecting Hometown Heroes cookies for professionals in oncology.



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