Submitted by Nina Schulze
Metro Denver
Troop 60114 and The Woods service unit invite you to join us for Cirque Des Filles on Saturday, April 21, 2018 from 6 – 9 p.m. at the Waymire Dome, Adams County Fairgrounds.
Moms, grandmas, aunts, and Girl Scouts of all ages will enjoy a night of dancing, fortunes, games, and more!
Come dressed as the ringmaster of your troop, in your best circus attire, or regular, everyday clothes! Have a troop theme! Anything goes at the Circus of the Girls dance!
Tickets are on sale now at squareup.com/store/Thewoods646.
Advance prices are $17 per couple, $8.50 each additional girl and END Wednesday, April 18. Door price is $10 per person. Fun patches are included with the price.
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