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Writers, creators wanted

Welcome to the new, improved GSCO Blog, where we want you to share your expertise about Girl Scouting! Whether you're a seasoned Girl Scout volunteer happy to pass on your knowledge to the next generation of troop leaders or you're a Girl Scout youth member who knows the adventures you've taken can inspire others, we want to hear from you.

You choose the topic or we're happy to give you some guidance. You pick your platform — do you prefer putting pen to paper (well, fingers to keyboard actually) or is a Vlog (video blog) more your style? It's all good if it informs or inspires the Girl Scouts of Colorado community.

These featured posts will appear monthly in the Leader to Leader section and will be in addition to all the other great news and Girl Scout-generated content shared here daily. We want this section to be useful and inspiring to new volunteers and those who've been around awhile.

Reach out if you've got passion for Girl Scouting and a way with words, we're excited to hear from you!

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