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Why Heather likes to volunteer at Day Camp

Submitted by Kim Petau Colorado Springs

Heather: I love watching the little girls having an amazing week in a safe environment. It is amazing watching their faces when learning a new song that I or the PA’s taught them and then to hear them singing the same song all week long or pleading to sing it again. The crafts that the staff always come up with are fun and it’s great helping the girls create something special they made. I love meeting new adults who also share the passion of Girl Scouts. I truly enjoy watching my daughter growing and learning how to be a role model to the younger Girl Scouts. I love that this a non-judgmental place for my daughter to be who she is. In fact the younger girls love to see her dressing up as “fairy” or “princess.” Because of my daughter’s special needs she feels more comfortable when I am around so it is awesome that I can volunteer at day camp, and feel just as welcomed as my daughter. My favorite camp so far has to be “Fairy Camp,” it was great watching the girls make tutus, crowns, necklaces, and ice cream. I can’t wait to volunteer at more camps this summer and next. I think volunteering at day camps will be a summer family tradition.

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