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Volunteer Spotlight: Tricia Whitehouse

Girl Scouts of Colorado is celebrating extraordinary volunteers throughout the state in honor of Volunteer Appreciation Month. Tricia Whitehouse in the Metro Denver region is a shining example of the wonderful role Girl Scout volunteers play in the lives of girls and our community.

GSCO asked Tricia to answer a few quick questions about her volunteer experience. We hope you find her as inspiring as we did.

Why did you become a Girl Scout volunteer?

I wanted to become a Girl Scout volunteer to encourage girls to grow and become courageous, strong women who make the world a better place. I also became a Girl Scout volunteer because of the impact that Girl Scouts made in my life when I was younger. I had been a Girl Scout member for approximately seven years. I started as a Brownie and continued through to a Cadette. Unfortunately, our troop disbanded at that time and without the internet; I didn’t know that I could have gone on further independently or I would have. It has always been somewhat of a regret that I wasn’t able to continue on to get my Gold, Silver, or Bronze Awards because our troop leaders never taught us about those achievements in Girl Scouts. Now, I realize that I can still make a difference as an adult volunteer to inspire girls to become leaders in the world around them.

Tell us about your different volunteer roles as a Girl Scout.

My primary role I serve is as a co-leader for our Girl Scout Daisy troop of 12 first graders. I have been a co-leader since our troop was established. I have also served as our troop’s fall product program manager during those years. Last year, I began volunteering as our service unit’s fall product program manager along with another leader’s assistance, Meri Fish. We made an amazing team together. My newest role I serve in our service unit is as an outdoor coordinator.

What have you learned as a Girl Scout volunteer?

There are many things that I have learned as a Girl Scout volunteer. I have enjoyed watching our girls grow to discover their potential, gain confidence, develop new friends and relationships, and take action to make the world a better place through Girl Scouts. I have also learned more about myself in my leadership role that I can carry over into my professional career. It encourages me to grow and develop my own skills as a leader and in the varying roles I serve in the service unit. It has also given me more confidence in being a role model. I have learned that being a part of a leadership team that works so efficiently together, provides our troop with fun new adventures, surprises, and memories throughout their Girl Scout experience. Finally, I feel the most important thing I have learned is that Girl Scouts can truly accomplish amazing things with the help of volunteers who support them.  

What do you hope girls have learned from you?

I hope they learn by my leadership example how to be kind, considerate, inclusive, and respectful of others. Secondly, I hope the girls will learn how to make a positive impact on those around them by using tools they have and will learn throughout their Girl Scout experience. I want our Girl Scouts to have the opportunity to experience everything that Girl Scouts has to offer them. I hope they learn that they can do anything they want to accomplish if they empower themselves with the skills needed to excel and values to succeed and reach their fullest potential. I hope I effectively guide and inspire them that they have the courage, confidence, and character to overcome any challenge they may face and to be their own advocate for their dreams and ideas. I want to continuously encourage them to shape their Girl Scout Leadership Experience as they grow and progress through Girl Scouts. So, in their future endeavors, they will develop into strong leaders who continue to use these skills throughout their life to make a difference in the world. I hope our Girl Scouts learn that they always will have a safe place to come with any care, concern, and ideas.  Finally, I hope they learn that they are an important part of my life and they make my world a better place being in it. 

Want to nominate a volunteer for Girl Scouts of Colorado to spotlight? Please email Public Relations Director AnneMarie Harper at 

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