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Volunteer Spotlight: Sue Sullivan

GSCO blog

Girl Scouts of Colorado is celebrating extraordinary volunteers throughout the state. Sue Sullivan in the Western Slope region is a shining example of the wonderful role Girl Scout volunteers play in the lives of girls and our community.

GSCO asked Sue to answer a few quick questions about her volunteer experience. We hope you find her as inspiring as we did.

Why did you become a Girl Scout volunteer?

My granddaughter came to me in kindergarten and wanted to join Girl Scouts.  As a Girl Scout myself and growing up in a scout (boy) scout family, I knew what a great opportunity this would be for her.  While attending her meetings I saw the leader could use an extra hand, so I volunteered to do her paperwork, I remember telling her “I didn’t want to get into planning a meeting every week”.  After a year my granddaughter and a few of my neighbors and their friends wanted to start a troop, so I started planning weekly meetings and I never looked back.

Tell us about your different volunteer roles as a Girl Scout.

I have been a leader, service unit manager, a member of the President’s Cabinet (western slope), a trainer, a mentor for new leaders and a National Delegate for the 2020 National Convention. I and 4 others started the Western Slope Outdoor Explorers, we offered outdoor activities and camps for several years, and for the last 3 years I was the cookie cupboard manager for Mesa County. I am currently a member of the Membership Connection Committee and active with our service unit and a Lifetime member of Girl Scouts.

What have you learned as a Girl Scout volunteer?

How easy it was to make a difference in a young girl’s life no matter how big or small, you may not see it right away but it’s there and I tried to express that to new leaders. To see the look on their face when they try new things, some they liked, others they didn’t and at times I discovered new things, it’s a win-win situation.

What do you hope girls have learned from you?

To be strong and not be afraid to try new things no matter how big or small. You may not like a new adventure you tried but that’s ok, you tried it maybe it will open a door to something else. Enjoy being a girl/woman you don’t have to be “one of the guys”. Look inside yourself and make the right decisions for you, don’t follow the crowd.

Nominate an exceptional volunteer for a Volunteer Award! Nominations are open April 1-June 30, 2022

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