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GSCO blog

Troop 4258 delivers surprise holiday wrapping kits

Submitted by Kristi Gulley

I just wanted to share a fun activity my troop did. At our last meeting, we assembled over 100 holiday wrapping kits. Then, we went Christmas caroling around one of our local neighborhoods and left the kits on the doorsteps. It was a fun night and to see the surprise on the faces of the people who were home was priceless! We asked for people to share on social media. This was posted on a local community site:

“Looking for Girl Scout Troop 4258 – I think they played Santa! Last night, I found a roll of holiday wrapping paper and some gift wrapping supplies on my porch with a delightful note from Maya with Girl Scout Troop 4258. I can’t be totally sure whether this was intended to be delivered to me, but I really want to thank Maya and her troop. Problem is, I have no way to contact them. They are also trying to follow their gifts on social media which seems like a totally cool holiday activity. I’ll be posting that pic in a few.”

A few other neighbors responded that they also got them and yes, it was intended for her! It was such a great experience and a great opportunity to share random acts of kindness with the girls.

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