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Troop 2802 earns Bronze with P.O.M – Power of Me


Submitted by Carmen Rivera Silver Sage

After some thinking and talking about how long they have been together, things in school, and ways they would like to reach out to other girls in the area, the girls of Troop 2802 thought of “P.O.M” Power of Me! They wanted to create bags to take to a shelter to inspire other girls and let them know they are never alone! They worked on their journey and learned how one person can make a difference, but the “Power” of a group can be amazing. They began thinking of a way to work independently as well as a team. They decided to collect items that they felt a young girl can use and be able to express herself. They collected hygiene items, books, journals, drawing tablets and color pencils, hair accessories, and stuffed animals. While selling cookies, they made their project their “Hometown Hero” because in their eyes these girls are heroes to stay positive, strong, and successful. They collected enough to order drawstring bags to put the items in and make up any missing items. All together, 50 bags were assembled and delivered to a local youth shelter on behalf of the Girl Scouts of Colorado. They are so proud and excited to be part of such a successful and meaningful project.

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