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GSCO blog

Troop 1332 earns Bronze Award

Submitted by Linda Graves

Metro Denver


Troop 1332 earned their Bronze Award by partnering with Senior Friends League to visit nursing homes where seniors do not receive many visitors. When the girls set out to earn their Bronze Award, they knew they wanted to help seniors, but they weren’t sure how to go about doing it. After learning that more than half of seniors in nursing homes are forgotten, they decided visiting with these seniors was how they wanted to use their time to make a difference.

The troop found a local volunteer ministry that does organized visits to two particular nursing homes per month where the need for visitors is the greatest. Each month, the girls would get together and make a craft that could be given to the seniors at the next monthly visit. They made paper flowers, jewelry, cards, and cookies, which was a way the girls could start conversations with the seniors and interact with them. The girls played simple games with the seniors, such as hitting a balloon back and forth, beanbag toss, and singing Girl Scout Camp songs to them! The seniors really enjoyed the songs!

The girls started this project with the goal of giving to a population that needed their time and friendship the most, but ended up gaining as much as they gave. During their visits, they spoke with seniors who were also Girl Scouts and they shared their favorite things about being a Girl Scout. The girls learned about different cultures and, most of all, they learned how rewarding it is to bring joy to others by simply giving your time and listening!

The girls completed their required hours, but they are eager to continue visits with these seniors! They’re already planning another craft and additional visits for the upcoming holidays.

Troop 1332 wants to spread the word about the organization we worked with to earn our Bronze Award, Senior Friends League. This is a great organization that makes a difference in the lives of seniors and brings joy and happiness to the world. Our girls learned so much about having empathy and serving others through this project and the efforts of the league.

This story was submitted using the Share Your Stories form. You can share your Girl Scout moments, too.

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