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Steamboat Troop Trek and Trail Ride

GSCO blog

Submitted by Chris Kucera

Steamboat Springs

Mountain Communities

Seven troops joined together at Fetcher Barn with views of Hahn’s Peak and Steamboat Lake this weekend to camp as a service unit, learn new outdoor skills, and ride horses. We earned the Cadette Field Day, Junior Camper and Brownie Outdoor Adventurer badges. We visited Dells Triangle Ranch for an amazing trail ride with million dollar views, including multiple elk sightings. They also treated us with a tour of the ranch, taught us about 4-H projects with turkeys, chickens, and goats, horse grooming, history of the horse and knots used with horses. We can’t thank them enough!

After our exciting trail ride experience, Cadettes from Troop 54313 taught girls ranging from Daisies through Cadettes compass, knots, lashing and fire building. We couldn’t have been more proud of everyone when they all learned how to lash a tripod and navigate a compass course. The girls even taught their leaders how to lash!

Personally, the highlight of the weekend was sitting under the stars, gazing into the milky way while singing traditional and new Girl Scout songs well into the night. It couldn’t have been more inspiring when a shooting star streaked across the sky during On My Honor.

I need to give a special round of applause for our Brownies and Daisies. They kept up with all the big girls and not only participated in everything, but excelled. They carried gear, setup tents, lashed tripods, ran the compass course, washed dishes and stayed up late at the campfire. I am so proud of them!

Every girl came away from the event with new skills, new friends and special memories. It was an amazing event. We will have to work hard to top it for next year!

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