Girl Scouts sing to have fun, of course, but we also sing to be together, carry on Girl Scout history and traditions, celebrate special events, indoors or outdoors, extend our knowledge of Girl Scout songs and - - did I mention? To have fun!
Please join the Songbirds in sing-alongs on the 2nd Saturday of every month from September through April. Here are the details:
DATES: 2nd Saturday of every month from September through April
PLACE: Berthoud Elementary School, Bunyan Avenue
TIME: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Songbirds is open to all ages. There is no charge for this event, and no registration is required. Songbirds is open to everyone, but right now we are recruiting troops, families or individual Girl Scouts to come and join. Songbooks will be provided, along with royal blue logo polo shirts which we use when we perform in various places as requested.
We can categorize Girl Scout songs into campfire songs, rounds, graces, international songs, hiking songs, motion songs, clapping games, traditional ceremony songs, lullabies, canons, patriotic songs and more. We think we might have learned all the songs there are, but let’s see if we can learn some more.
For more information, please contact the Director of the Songbirds, Penny Roberts at 970-586-1775 or by email at probertscolo@gmail.com.