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“Selfie Project” by Longmont Girl Scouts makes headlines

GSCO blog

The “selfie project” by Troop 73392 of Longmont has Girl Scouts across the country talking and taking notice. As part of their Media Journey, the nine Cadettes studied ads featuring women and young girls. They quickly noticed nearly all of the photos had been edited or “Photoshopped.”

To help themselves and other fellow Girl Scouts recognize real beauty and celebrate what makes each of them unique, they took selfies. Those selfies were displayed at a community event, where family and friends could write comments on Post-It notes and place them on the photos.

“Your hair is just great. Your teeth are also amazing,” one read.

“You are so pretty and show so much confidence,” another stated.

What did the girls learn? “Your flaws are what make you beautiful,” sixth grader Ashley Reichenberg told reporter Whitney Bryen of The Longmont Times-Call. “That’s what makes you unique and special, like her being silly.”

After the story ran in the newspaper, Girl Scouts of Colorado, along with Girl Scouts of the USA, shared the news on Facebook and Twitter.

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Soon after, Fox 31 in Denver invited the troop to come in for a live interview with Brooke Wagner. Click to watch the interview.

Afterwards, Brooke took a selfie with the girls and shared it on Twitter.

Wagoner Tweet

Girl Scouts of Colorado is so proud of these Girl Scouts for all their hard work to show women of all ages that real beauty is inside themselves, not inside a magazine.

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