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GSCO blog

Scouting for the Cure


Submitted by Wendy Anderson

Denver Metro


Susan G. Komen Colorado in conjunction with Juniper Trail Girl Scouts Service Unit were thrilled to bring Scouting for the Cure back to Colorado! About 80 girls along with their adult partners gathered at Grandview High School in Aurora October 7, 2016 for this educational breast health event.

Volunteers from DU Cheerleading squad lead the girls in cheerleading to encourage girls to get regular physical exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle may prevent certain diseases including cancer.

Volunteers from Susan G. Komen taught the attendees about the importance of regular breast exams and early detection of breast cancer at a station where they made bracelets with beads representing different sized lumps. Each attendee was able to keep a bracelet as her own reminder of the importance of regular breast exams. Participants were also able to make a bracelet to donate to Susan G. Komen that will be used to educate other women about breast health!

A big thank you to HealthONE doctors and nurses for coming out to share even more breast health info! Girls were able to assemble packets of information to share with other women in their lives, participants practiced finding lumps on models, and learned about the importance of mammograms. They saw mammogram images and were able to talk with a radiologist about what she looks for when reading a mammogram. Meeting women doctors, nurses, and pharmacists from our area will hopefully encourage more girls to choose STEM careers that will lead to ending breast cancer forever!

The evening wrapped up with a special presentation by Charlotte Talbert, Juliette Low actress. She taught everyone about Juliette Low’s life. October is a special time for Girl Scouts as we celebrate Juliette Low’s birthday. It is also breast cancer awareness month. Did you know Juliette Low died from breast cancer? Through modern medical advances and arming our girls and women with knowledge about breast cancer, we can increase breast cancer survival rates and save lives. Juliette Low would definitely want that for her Girl Scouts.

Thank you to all who participated this year. We hope to bring Scouting for the Cure to other areas in the future. If you would like to get involved, please contact

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