Explore behind-the-scenes to see artifacts and exhibits not open to the public at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science with this special, one-time video tour open ONLY to Girl Scouts renewed for the 2020-21 membership year! Girl Scouts of Colorado is proud to partner with Denver Museum of Nature and Science for this special opportunity Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 4 p.m. DMNS is the premier natural history and science museum in Denver and the western United States. A museum tour guide will show us some of the museum’s collection not currently on display to the public. After the 30-minute tour, our guide will answer Girl Scouts’ questions.
If you haven’t signed up for another year, now’s the time! All girls renewed by June 30 will receive the invite to the DMNS special tour, an Explore More patch, and, of course, you’ll keep your Girl Scout adventures going for another year. And, you can now use Cookie Credits to renew girl membership! If you have Cookie Credits available from any previous Product Program incentive, you can put them to good use and pay your annual membership of $25.
Additional troop incentive
Troops that renew two Troop Leadership Team members, at least three girls, and complete the Annual Troop Report by June 30 also get a $25 credit to the Girl Scout shop, available for use in August.
Also, any troop that renews this week (between June 24 and June 30) will be entered into a contest for a chance to win a Zoom meeting a Tomahawk Ranch goat. Goats don’t always have the best Zoom etiquette but they can provide plenty of fun!
Girl Scouts at Home
We know it’s been a strange spring and early summer, and we’ve all had to make changes in our daily lives. We’ve been so impressed with the resiliency of Girl Scout volunteers and girls as you’ve once again proven that given a batch of lemons, Girl Scouts will make lemonade! To support you as you continue your Girl Scout Leadership Experience, we’ve launched a plethora of live and recorded online programming. There’s truly something for everyone – check out the Meet an Expert series, online storytime in English and Spanish, upcoming Summer Badge Series and Clubs, Campfire Chats for adults, additional training for volunteers(link), and resources at Girl Scouts at Home. More is coming – including a Diversity. Inclusion. Together patch program, and two panel discussions on race with our partners’ experts answering girls’ questions. Even as small groups begin to meet in person in July, we will continue to provide top-notch online programming and we’re exploring ways to deliver this programming across the digital divide because Girl Scouts is for ALL girls.
Show your support for Girl Scouts. Be the glue that keeps your troop together.