Submitted by Denine Dains
Metro Denver
Twisted Pine
Troop 3972 is excited to lead Girl Scout Cadettes/Seniors in a one-of-a-kind leadership experience! Join us at Twisted Pine, a cozy cabin, 20 minutes from Denver.
Oct. 19, 2019: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeYQoy4AcMus8Bi6aI982flfxqrLzeZE5N0cDJrlJAX9Rp-Sg/viewform
Oct. 20, 2019: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSegZpKDJ23n6wZuDO3TVL-499-E8O0j0F9QmkIBfTG8HpnEvQ/viewform
Learn valuable skills such as assisting younger Girl Scouts in a troop or small group setting. You will also specialize in leading larger groups in a camp setting.
You will learn how to:
Lead large groups of girl scouts in camp songs
Assist young girls in a flag ceremony
Assist young Girl Scouts with chopping food at camp while using a knife
Set up a propane stove
Make traditional camp foods, such as walking tacos and a foil wrapped dessert!
Follow the rules regarding fire and cooking with a dutch oven
Create a safe cleaning station for dishes
Lead yourself in a professional, safe manner while working with younger girls
Be a good role model to younger Girl Scouts
Troop 3972 is a dynamic group of go-getters, innovators, risk-takers and leaders. Many of the girls have been together since kindergarten and help lead a day camp in the Denver metro-area for more than 100 campers.
By leading their Girl Scout sisters in leadership opportunities, they are reaching their own fundraising goals to fund a scuba diving trip to the Bahamas.
We are excited to meet your Girl Scouts and the future leaders in our community!
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