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October 2020 Explore More Club: Registration is Now Open

GSCO blog

Registration for the October 2020 Explore More Club is now open! Girl Scouts of Colorado adult volunteers are invited to explore civics and democracy badges from the girl program with the topic of Take Action! Welcome meetings will be held via Zoom October 7 and 8. The program is delivered through gsLearn, a Private Facebook Group which you will gain access to after registering, and Zoom.

Register Now

If you cannot attend either of the welcome meetings, you may still register for a meeting time, the meeting will be recorded to watch at a later date.


What is the Explore More Club? The Explore More Club is a virtual program for our adult volunteers to have a hands-on badge earning experience, as if they are earning the badges themselves. It is implemented through gsLearn, a private Facebook group, and Zoom.

Explore More Club is not is a training. The Explore More Club does not explicitly set out to teach you how to teach the badge earning curriculum. However, there are times for discussion where we can talk about what that would look like. There is no training curriculum in the Explore More Club.

Are past topics available to new volunteers who sign up for the club? Currently, no. However, we are looking in making this happen very soon.

Can my girl register for this program? This program is for adult volunteers only. However, your girl can participate in a similar program for girls, our monthly Badge Series! If this is something your girl is interested in, check out the informational blog post here!

If I’m not a troop leader but still a volunteer, can I still do this? Absolutely! This program is for all Girl Scouts of Colorado volunteers who want to learn Girl Scout badge curriculum in a hands-on way and have fun while doing it!

Questions? Email Kendy Doolen at

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

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