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Ninja Nation Lock-in is Back!

GSCO blog

Channel your inner American Ninja Warrior and join us at Ninja Nation Centennial! Girl Scout Centennial Star Service Unit Manager and Troop leader, Darby Petitt, is hosting a lock-in event at the Centennial location of Ninja Nation on Friday, May 13, 2022, 6pm until 7:30am on May 14 for all Girl Scout Brownies and up! This event was a big hit in 2019 before the pandemic slowed down in-person events. Girl Scouts are looking forward to in-person events and this is the quintessential event including time to hang out with friends, time to run around and try new obstacles and activities, time to sleep over somewhere you love to play and no time needed to prepare food! It’s included! Masks are encouraged but not required. This activity is a good way to use money earned during the cookie program! There is a minimum of 63 girls needed for this event to take place so please sign up on the signupgenius if this is something your troop would like to do in May! What a great way to celebrate the cookie program and kick off the summer! Girl Scouts:

The fee for the event, $50/girl and $10/adult, includes a pizza dinner, snacks, breakfast, a Ninja Nation patch, guided activities by coaches, and free time on obstacles. Payment details are on the signupgenius and payment is needed prior to the event to secure your spot.

What do you need to bring? Toiletries, a water bottle, sleeping bag/pillow, WEAR CLEAN SNEAKERS, and energy to have fun!

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