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NEW Get Outdoors Challenge Patch

GSCO blog

Girl Scouts of Colorado is excited to announce the NEW Get Outdoors Challenge patch! This is a checklist challenge full of fun outdoor activities for the fall/winter and spring/summer seasons. Complete the required number of activities for your Girl Scout level to earn each side of the patch. This patch is designed to be girl-led and to get girls outside and having fun!


  1. Check out the activities. Learn more about the Get Outdoors Challenge patch here.

  2. Be prepared. As Girl Scouts, we know the importance of being prepared! If you’re venturing to a local park or hiking trail, first make sure they’re open. Pack sunscreen, bug repellant, snacks, protective gear (sunglasses, hat), and water!

  3. Get your patch. Between September 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021, complete the required number of activities for your level from the fall/winter list. Between April 1, and August 31, 2021, complete the required number of activities for your level from the spring/summer list.

  4. Share your story. As you work on earning this patch, be sure to share your photos with GSCO on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and here on the blog.  Be sure to tag GSCO, and Twitter and Instagram users should also use #GSColo and #gsoutdoors.

  5. Purchase your patch through the GSCO Retail Shop.

Head to the GSCO website to find more links to practice your outdoor skills, work on outdoor badges, get outside with your family, and spend time in the great outdoors this summer.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

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