Submitted by Theresa Szczurek
Northern & Northeastern CO
Girl Scout Troop 70007 (Senior / Ambassador troop from Boulder) needs your help to get FIVE more registration commitments to join in the June 2 – June 10, 2019 ‘Acapulco Adventure II’ at the WAGGGS World Center Our Cabana. ALSO, there is a special ‘two for one’ all-inclusive price offer for relatives for those who commit in 2018 — bring mother / daughter, father / daughter, two sisters, two adults, etc. and the $1400 program fee covers two of you.
Registrants must be at least 13-years-old. We need a commitment soon or the program will be cancelled. More info:
If you are interested or have questions, email
This is a girl-led troop and a girl-led trip. Grace F., Girl Scout Ambassador who is a Senior at Boulder High School, is the trip coordinator and go-getter. She has researched and organized the trip plan, including the budget. Grace, girl troop leader of Troop 70007, is taking the initiative to make this experience happen. Why? She wants to visit the WAGGGS World Center Our Cabana, meet other Girl Scouts from around the world, and do the sea turtle service project at Acapulco.
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