Submitted by Nicole Niles
Colorado Springs
Pikes Peak
I love my troop and I could not be more proud to call myself their leader. I often feel defeated when I have lost their interest at a meeting or they would rather be somewhere else than at the meeting. I sometimes think this is it, I am done leading, it’s time for a change.
I have been involved with Girl Scout as a leader for 9 years. The troops I have been involved with have always accomplished a lot and we have gone on many adventures, mostly because of cookies. Each year the girls in my troop set their cookie goals over and over again. They do this because they meet their goals and set another one, some girls 3 even 4 times they meet and exceed their cookie goals.
However, that is not why I am so proud of my troop. Each year after meeting their goals and exceeding them I always have those girls that seek out the Promise and Law… Be a sister to every Girl Scout, respect myself and others, friendly and helpful, these are just a few example lines. This year my troop of wonderful girls have totally blown me away. Not only have almost all of them exceeded the 500 mark and most are attending the Top Seller Events, but they are doing this because they not only thought of themselves and their goals, but they asked me constantly how they could help get each other to the next level.
I have had girls out selling at booths not to gain the cookie sales themselves but to add those sold cookies onto a sister scout and get her to the next incentive level. They never once thought about how cold, long, or tiring a booth is. This right here melts my heart and proves to me that I am not failing as a leader to these girls, not only are they living the promise and law daily but they are showing it. They aren’t boosting for recognition either, simply doing their best to help out their sister scouts. Thank you girls for making me proud and showing me I am not failing you when I feel defeated.
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