This event is cancelled as of March 13, 2020.

Girl Scout Brownies and Juniors are invited to try activities inspired by Girl Scouts’ brand new Outdoor High-Adventure badges and meet professional rock climber Margo Hayes!
Sunday, April 5, 2020
1 – 4 p.m.
Who: Brownies & Juniors
Cost: FREE – limited capacity
Estes Park Mountain Shop
Estes Park
Register online: Registration will close when capacity is met OR on April 1.
Girls will walk away inspired to earn one of the new Snow, Climbing Adventure, or Trail Adventure badges! They’ll rotate through hands-on and age-appropriate activity stations that will spark curiosity and challenge girls to push their boundaries.
Leave No Trace
Visit from Margo Hayes! In 2016, she won both the Bouldering and Lead Climbing events at the World Youth Championships.
This is not a drop off event. All Girl Scouts must attend with a parent, troop leader, or guardian.
All attendees must have a current Girl Scout membership. Girls attending without their parent must be with an approved volunteer.
All Girl Scouts attending will be required to submit a GSUSA/The North Face waiver and a waiver for Estes Park Mountain Shop. Both waivers will be emailed directly to participants before event in a reminder email. Troop leaders – make sure to collect signed waivers for each girl!
Questions? Email