Submitted by Tatyanna Cuevas-Boyd
Metro Denver
Troop 66366 is a first year Brownie troop compromised of girls from two different local elementary schools. These girls have come together and became friends instantly. No matter what these girls do their best to stay positive and work hard. They braved the cold and snow to sell cookies at their booth on February 23, 2019 to work toward their high goals. They know how much it means to help those in our community and they wanted to donate their cookie donations to our Hometown Heroes. Knowing their troop leader works in the medical field, they wanted to donate to the men and women who save lives as EMS, fire, and police. We reached out to the local agencies and had visitors from Falck Rocky Mountain Ambulance crew. We also invited the sheriff’s department and fire department to come visit us at other booths, so each girl had the opportunity to thank them for all they do!
These eight girls are go-getters! They challenged themselves to have high goals and expectations during cookie season while making sure they support our community. I am so proud of our troop!
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