What did you do for your Gold Award project?
I put together a performing arts clinic for middle schoolers in my district.
Why did you pursue this Gold Award project?
There is a lack of understanding in the community (and world) about what Color Guard is, thus a lack of funding and participation.
How did your Gold Award project make a difference?
Many people were exposed to a sport that is my passion, and something they might not otherwise have known about. Students learned dance, movement, and how to spin and toss flags. Color Guard is a fun and supportive environment in high school. Students who join will have a supportive base and friends in high school.
What skills did you gain through earning your Gold Award?
I learned leadership skills, planning, and flexibility.
How did you make your project sustainable?
I made a Facebook page and YouTube page with pictures and instructional videos. I also made a flash drive with all clinic information, from permission slips to t-shirt orders and daily schedules to give to others who wish to hold a clinic.
What was your connection to the national or global community?
Color Guard is a global sport, with very little recognition. My Facebook and YouTube pages will attract people to the sport with instructional videos on tosses and routines.
What will you most remember about your Gold Award project?
I will most remember watching the veterans helping the new students, and the enthusiasm everyone showed toward the sport.
How will earning your Gold Award help you in your future?
I have learned how to be a leader in my community: how to step up and lead a large group of people towards a common goal.
Why do you feel the Gold Award is an important part of your Girl Scout experience?
I feel the Gold Award is an important part of my Girl Scout experience because it makes me more confident in organizing and leading events. It is the highest award possible for a Girl Scout to earn, and I plan on being a Girl Scout for the rest of my life. It is the culmination of my Girl Scout experience.
***IMPORTANT NOTE: This blog represents only a small fraction of the hard work, dedication and requirements that go into earning a Girl Scout Gold Award. It is simply a brief summary, which is meant to inspire Girl Scouts to Go Gold in the future. For more information on earning your Gold Award, please email highestawards@gscolorado.org