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Girl Scout Daisy works to meet cookie goal

GSCO blog

Submitted by Jamie Krewson

Pikes Peak

Colorado Springs

Danicka, a second year Daisy, had big goals for this season. She wanted to sell 1,000 packages. After falling sick the second to last weekend, she wasn’t sure she would make it. But, her troop rallied together and found more booth shifts. The final weekend, she worked booths for nine-hours and even earned her “Booth Excellence” patch. Her last sale on Sunday was to a local firefighter outside of a Safeway. What she learned this season, “Always reach for your goals, they may seem impossible, but they are only impossible if you don’t try.”

Danicka is a real go-getter. She set a goal and worked for it. She didn’t let a small setback stop her.

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