Submitted by Katy Herstein
Metro Denver
Highlands Ranch
Girl Scout Troop 60043 has planned a public screening of the documentary “Girl Rising” as the Take Action project for their “GIRLtopia” Journey. Click on the link to the flyer below for details.
“Girl Rising” is an extremely thought provoking film about the state of girls’ access to education around the globe. These Seniors really had their eyes opened to other girls’ struggles and the want to share this opportunity with you.
Senior Troop 60043 are girls from 9th and 10th grade in Highlands Ranch. They enjoy all that Girl Scouting has to offer and are up for trying anything that comes their way!
When their Take Action project is complete, their next major projects are Girl Scout Gold Award plans!
They were also selected by Girl Scouts of the USA to participate in a study of the outdoor badges. They will be completing two of four chosen badges by GSUSA and completing a survey after the badges have been completed! Exciting!
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