Submitted by Emma
Metro Denver
Highlands Ranch
Hello. My name is Emma, and I am a Girl Scout Junior from Troop 65430. I worked on the “Diverse. Inclusive. Together.” patch with my family. Although we talk about diversity and inclusivity a lot at home, I learned a lot about unconscious biases that we all have, and how it can negatively impact all aspects of life from our relationships to what we read in books.
To me, the big picture is that we are all different. Whether people look different than us or they have different beliefs, everyone deserves respect. It doesn’t matter where you come from or what you like, in the end it comes down to how you act and how you treat people. Every single person has something extraordinary to offer, and we should celebrate our differences and not let our differences divide us.
By earning this patch, I have learned so much. I have discovered that everyone is special in their own way, and everyone should have an opportunity to be seen and heard.
This has been a truly meaningful experience.
Girl Scouts of Colorado is proud to unveil ways for everyone, not just girls or Girl Scouts, to develop an appreciation for the rich diversity of various cultures in their community and around the world. Learn more.