Girl Scouts can earn the 2018 GSUSA World Thinking Day patch this year through World Thinking Day activities. GSUSA offers two tracks for the patch program – one for Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors and one for Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors. This is an official GSUSA patch that can be worn on the front of a Girl Scout uniform. As troops and service units plan their activities for World Thinking Day, consider trying one or more activities to help girls earn the World Thinking Day patch.
World Thinking Day is celebrated on February 22 each year by Girl Scouts and Girl Guides in 150 countries. It’s a way to celebrate the global sisterhood of Girl Scouts as girls across the world work on the same activities.
This year’s theme is “Impact.” Girl Scouts will think about what it means to make a personal impact, bringing changes to an individual’s development as well as a wider impact, bringing changes to a wider group of people. If your troop would like to expand its knowledge about the international sisterhood of Girl Scouts, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts has an activity guide based on the 2018 theme “Impact,” which can be found at www.worldthinkingday.org.
You can get the World Thinking Day patch through the GSCO shop. You can purchase it in our store or call 1-855-472-7026. To learn more about GSUSA’s World Thinking Day patch program, go to https://goo.gl/zpHc7y.