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Daisy, Brownie, Junior Art Club: Cloud Dough

Today we’re going to make our own cloud dough! If you would like more activities like this one, join us every other week on Tuesdays after school for GSCO’s Daisy, Brownie, Junior Art Club. Click here to register!

You will need:

  1. Corn Starch

  2. White conditioner (any kind)

  3. Bowl

  4. Spatula, popsicle stick, or spoon

  5. Measuring cup

  6. Food coloring (optional; gel is best)

  7. Sandwich baggie (to store the cloud dough)

Let’s make our cloud dough!

  1. Add one cup of corn starch to the bowl.

  2. Add one cup of any white conditioner to the bowl. Add it gently, a little bit at a time, so it doesn’t send your cornstarch flying everywhere.

  3. If you want to add food coloring, do it now.

  4. Stir ingredients together. Start slowly so you don’t make a mess, and then, you can pick up speed as your ingredients come together.

  5. The dough will appear sticky at first. If it’s too dry, add more conditioner. If it’s too wet, add more corn starch.

  6. Eventually, you will need to pick the dough up with your hands and kneed it until you like the consistency.

  7. Now, take the cloud dough and make shapes or anything you want. Just have fun!

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

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