Submitted by Tiare Santistevan
Northern & Northeastern CO
Fort Collins
Girl Scouts are invited to CSU’s Equine Experience Time to Ride workshop on November 3, 2018! Girl Scout Juniors can work on the requirements for the “Horsemanship” badge. Girls will learn grooming, handling, horse body language, riding, and more. Classes may be indoor and outdoors depending on the weather. Please wear horse appropriate clothing, including long pants and closed shoes, preferably boots with a heel. Additional helmets and boots will be available for riders.
Riding Time: 9 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. Must choose a riding time slot for each Girl Scout. Four girls per group.
Cost:$ 20/Girl Scout
Registration deadline: October 27, 2018
Registration includes permission, liability, and photo release forms, which will be emailed to the required email.
Register online: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0e49a4a62aaaf85-csutime
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