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GSCO blog

Cost Rica: A Touch of the Tropics 2021

Submitted by Nicole Harmon

Metro Denver


Hello families and friends,

I have an amazing opportunity that I would like to share with your Girl Scouts and parents. I have been awarded an opportunity to lead a 10-day trip to Costa Rica in July of 2021. I am allowed to share this once in a lifetime opportunity with local Girl Scouts in Colorado. Spaces are limited. Registration is $95 and there is an option to pay $57 every two-weeks per person or $112 per month or to pay manually, which is what many Girl Scouts do in order to pay the money needed for their trip. The manual payment plan has made it so the troop leader can directly apply cookie money earned from the individual girls directly to their trip fund. Insurance is highly recommended in case someone gets sick or something happens.If a girl or parent cannot come, they are given a refund of all their money except the 95$ registration, of course.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for the girls to visit another county and experience these kinds of excursions. Here is the link as well to our personal website for this tour where you can find much more information:

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