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Colorado School of Mines Girl Scout Engineering Day

GSCO blog

Every year, SWE hosts Girl Scout Engineering Day, a half-day outreach event for Girl Scouts Juniors where participants are exposed to different areas of STEM. This year’s theme is “Waving Hello to STEM.” The world is in a sense “swarming” with waves as they come from the sun, your house, and underground. Engineers use waves to build safe, efficient, and specific infrastructure. Without waves energy could not do anything, waves are a defining feature of this universe, so it is important engineers understand every wave and every aspect of them. The Girl Scouts will learn all about waves, tidal waves, sound waves, light waves, and seismic waves through fun hands on activities. Girl Scout Engineering Day prepares participants to:

  1. Define introductory science, engineering, and mathematics concepts

  2. Demonstrate their interest in STEM with continued active engagement in STEM-type classes, and extracurricular activities

  3. Apply their learning to future hands-on experiences to complete the Girl Scout STEM badge.

The event will take place November 13, 2021, from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. on Mines campus  in Friedhoff Hall in Green Center, 909-1011 15th St Golden, CO 80401. Register for the event. If you have any question or concerns, you can email Evelyn Cook at

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