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Bronze Award: Postpartum Depression Awareness

Members from Troop 65878 stand with the self-care kits they made.

Congratulations to: Hayden Horowitz, Bailey Eglseder, and Emily Moy of Troop 65878 for earning the Junior Girl Scout Bronze Award. These Girl Scouts found not enough was being done for new parents and decided to compile self-care kits to donate to new parents at risk for postpartum depression.

These Girl Scouts went door to door to solicit donations from local businesses and created a video to solicit donations from individuals in the community. With the donations they received, they were able to make 25 self-care kits with

journals, coloring books, pens, colored pencils, candles, skincare masks, nail polish, travel cups, bath bombs, stress balls, chapstick, lotion, and wrote/drew cards of inspiration/motivation.

Members from Troop 65878 stand with their translated brochures.

The Girl Scouts then researched postpartum depression and made an educational brochure to distribute in the kits, with information on how to care for postpartum depression at home and when/where to get professional help.

In addition, as students at Global Village Academy Douglas County, a language immersion school, each of these Girl Scouts have become fluent in a second language - Spanish, French, Mandarin - during their six years of schooling at Global Village Academy Douglas County.

A self-care kit with a journal, pens, coloring book, bath bomb, face wash, and other self-care items.

Each of these Girl Scouts translated their educational brochure on postpartum depression into their language of study to include in the kits:

Hayden - French, Bailey - Spanish, Emily - Mandarin

The self-care kits were donated to a maternal resource room at Centura Parker Adventist Hospital.

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