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Best Cookie Dad contest: Our “Cookie Man”

Submitted by Troop 60071

Metro Denver


We have nicknamed him “Cookie Man” and he is the best. He is our troop’s biggest cheerleader! He isn’t afraid to be silly and show us that it’s okay to do the same. He gives really good advice and is always trying to help us reach our goals, not just at cookie time, but always.

He gives a lot of his time and energy to our troop and Girl Scouts. He volunteers to help with cookie pick-up day at the cupboard getting other troops their cookies and then makes sure each of us is set up too. When we did our Powder Puff Derby, he helped us with our car designs and supported us while we ran the show. At our drive-thru cookie booth, he got all of us energized (the sign twirling he’s got down, but we’re helping him with his high kick).

We wanted to share how much we appreciate him because he genuinely wants all of us to succeed. It’s good to have someone like that in your corner.

This story was submitted using the Share Your Stories form and is part of the 2018 contest for Best Cookie Dad.  Is your Cookie Dad the best? Tell us about him and he’ll win a cool prize!

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