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Best Cookie Dad contest: Dinya’s cookie partner

GSCO blog

Submitted by Dinya

Southwestern Colorado


My dad is the best helper. When we sell cookies, he’s always helping me haul them around and set up booths. This year on Super bowl Sunday, we walked the neighborhood before the big game. I sold a lot with his help delivering the cookies and keeping track of the money. My dad has always been a big helper when I do cookies every year. Last year, he sat with me at the booths when I sold even though it was cold. Last year, he made my booth a cool cookie banner. I loved it. This year, we are signed up for lots of booths. My dad will be with me there to sell. I know I will hit my goal with his help. He has been an awesome Girl Scout dad since I started as a Daisy.

This story was submitted using the Share Your Stories form and is part of the 2018 contest for Best Cookie Dad.  Is your Cookie Dad the best? Tell us about him and he’ll win a cool prize!

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