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Become a GSCO Media Star

Updated: Nov 8, 2022

Flex your media muscles whether you prefer being on camera, sharing via written word or even working behind-the-scenes creating a Girl Scout Vlog or podcast, becoming a Media Star is an opportunity you won’t want to pass up! You’ll gain hands-on experience pitching a story, creating content for social media to boost the Girl Scout brand, and practicing and mastering the craft of communication.

As the official girl faces and voices of Girl Scouts of Colorado, Media Stars will:

  • Receive exclusive training from local media professionals and coaches

  • Represent Girl Scouts at special council and community events

  • Star in GSCO videos and print features

  • Create content to be shared on Girl Scouts of Colorado social media channels

  • Participate in interviews and other media-related opportunities (radio, TV, and print)

  • Explore interests in writing, video production, social media, and more!

Mission Statement:

Media Stars represent and tell the story of the values of Girl Scouts of Colorado through traditional media interviews and content creation while gaining lifelong skills in communication, confidence, and storytelling.

The role of a GSCO Media Star is to deliver the excitement (and do interviews) about the all the amazing things that Girl Scouts do, including running their own cookie businesses, exploring the outdoors at camp, making the world a better place in their communities and beyond. Sometimes that means being interviewed by a TV or radio station, or featured in a newspaper article, and sometimes it can be creating cool content for GSCO social media channels, speaking at GSCO events, doing a girl or troop takeover of GSCO social media channels or interviewing other Girl Scouts or community members about topics important to Girl Scouts. Here are just some of the media interviews Media Stars participated in during the 2022 Girl Scout Cookie Program.

To be a Media Star, a girl must be in first grade or above.

How to get involved: Girls who want to be Media Stars should:

1. Review the Media Star Guidelines to ensure you understand the program’s requirements and expectations.

2. Fill out the Media Star Application Form where you will need to include a:

  1. Brief essay (250 words or less) about why you love Girl Scouts.

  2. Video (no more than a minute) in which you introduce yourself (first name only) and say what you have learned as part of Girl Scouts. Here is an example:

“Hi! My name is Hannah and I am a Girl Scout Cadette from Arvada! As a Girl Scout, I had to think outside the box to meet my cookie goal. I hosted a drive-thru booth at a neighborhood business and sold cookies online using Digital Cookie.”

Girls 12-years-old and younger can have a parent help them. Submissions from girls 13-years-old and older must be done by the girl.

Videos and essays must be received by November 25 at 10 p.m.

If you are selected to become a Media Star, you will be asked to participate in a training session in December 2022. An in-person training will be held in the Denver office as well as a few virtual trainings will be available for those who live in other regions of the state. During this training, girls will learn and practice skills they need to be a successful Media Star. Even if you have participated in this program before, we ask you to participate in the training to refresh your skills and review new talking points. Please fill out and sign this photo release form if you’ve scheduled your training and have not filled one out yet. Email the completed form to Hannah Gutkind.

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